Term | Definition |
Floodplain Risk Management Plan |
A management plan developed in accordance with the principles and guidelines in this manual. Usually includes both written and diagrammatic information describing how particular areas of flood prone land are to be used and managed to achieve defined objectives. |
Floodway Areas |
Those areas of the floodplain where a significant discharge of water occurs during floods. They are often aligned with naturally defined channels. Floodways are areas that, even if only partially blocked, would cause a significant redistribution of flood flow, or a significant increase in flood levels. |
Freeboard |
Provides reasonable certainty that the risk exposure selected in deciding on a particular flood chosen as the basis for the Flood Planning Level (FPL) is actually provided. It is a factor of safety typically used in relation to the setting of floor levels, levee crest levels, etc. Freeboard is included in the flood planning level. |
Hazard |
A source of potential harm or a situation with a potential to cause loss. In relation to this study the hazard is flooding which has the potential to cause damage to the community. |
Historical Flood |
A flood which has actually occurred. |
Hydraulics |
Term given to the study of water flow in waterways; in particular, the evaluation of flow parameters such as water level and velocity. |