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Term Definition

The land area draining through the main stream, as well as tributary streams, to a particular site. It always relates to an area above a specific location.

Catchment Simulation Solutions

Catchment Simulation Solutions are the consultant engaged to complete this project.

Computer Models

The mathematical representation of the physical processes involved in runoff generation and stream flow. These models are often run on computers due to the complexity of the mathematical relationships between runoff, stream flow and the distribution of flows across the floodplain.

Consent Authority

The council, government agency or person having the function to determine a development application for land use under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Act (EP&A) 1979. The consent authority is most often the council, however legislation or an Environmental Planning Instrument may specify a Minister or public authority (other than a council), or the Director General of Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as having the function to determine an application.


Is defined in Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (EP&A Act) 1979.

Infill Development: refers to development of vacant blocks of land that are generally surrounded by developed properties and is permissible under the current zoning of the land. Conditions such as minimum floor levels may be imposed on infill development.

New Development: refers to development of a completely different nature to that associated with the former land use. For example, the urban subdivision of an area previously used for rural purposes. New developments involve rezoning and typically require major extensions of existing urban services, such as roads, water supply, sewerage and electric power.

Redevelopment: refers to rebuilding in an area. For example, as urban areas age, it may become necessary to demolish and reconstruct buildings on a relatively large scale. Redevelopment generally does not require either rezoning or major extensions to urban services.

Disaster Plan (DISPLAN)

A step by step sequence of previously agreed roles, responsibilities, functions, actions and management arrangements for the conduct of a single or series of connected emergency operations, with the object of ensuring the coordinated response by all agencies having responsibilities and functions in emergencies.

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Project Contributors

Murrumbidgee Council      
NSW Government         

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