Term | Definition |
Caravan and Moveable Home Parks |
Caravans and moveable dwellings are being increasingly used for long-term and permanent accommodation purposes. Standards relating to their siting, design, construction and management can be found in the Regulations under the Local Governments Act. |
Catchment |
The land area draining through the main stream, as well as tributary streams, to a particular site. It always relates to an area above a specific location. |
Catchment Simulation Solutions |
Catchment Simulation Solutions are the consultant engaged to complete this project. |
Computer Models |
The mathematical representation of the physical processes involved in runoff generation and stream flow. These models are often run on computers due to the complexity of the mathematical relationships between runoff, stream flow and the distribution of flows across the floodplain. |
Consent Authority |
The council, government agency or person having the function to determine a development application for land use under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Act (EP&A) 1979. The consent authority is most often the council, however legislation or an Environmental Planning Instrument may specify a Minister or public authority (other than a council), or the Director General of Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as having the function to determine an application. |